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Housing FAQs
- Reminder, housing is billed separately from your University cost and will not appear on your WISER account.
UMass Boston Housing FAQs
We know you have a number of questions about on-campus housing. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about living on campus at UMass Boston. Please use the 'find' feature on your browser (Ctrl + f) and a key word to quickly find answers you may be looking for. If the answer your question is not below, please email us, we are happy to help!
Is on-campus housing guaranteed?/Is on-campus housing required?
Housing at UMass Boston is on a first come, first serve basis. Priority for housing in the fall is given to incoming first year students. Living on campus is not required.
I am an incoming first time, first year undergraduate student. What steps do I need to take to access and complete the Housing Application?
Congratulations on your acceptance to UMass Boston! If you are interested in applying to live on campus for the 2025-2026 academic year, you must complete all the steps in the 2025-2026 Housing Application Checklist. This checklist details the process of completing your housing application and the Housing License Agreement. This also includes links to create your UMass Boston account and access the Housing Application. As the Housing Application is now open, be sure that you have submitted your New Student Enrollment Fee and Housing Reservation Fee in order to begin your application!
When is move-in day for the 2025-2025 academic year?
Move in will take place at the end of August. We will update this section once the dates have been set. Specifics regarding move in sign up will be sent over the summer.
What is the cost for housing?
Housing cost will depend on the room type that you are in. Our Floor Plans and Room Rates page has all room types and rates listed for the upcoming year.
Please note, single rooms are very limited (12 in total) and are assigned to students who have approved disability accommodation requests.
Will the cost of housing be covered by Financial Aid?
Housing is billed separate from the University billing in your WISER account. Residents are able to opt in to have any excess aid (once the University billing is covered) transfer to Housing. Any financial aid (i.e., grants, loans, scholarships, etc.) that is remaining after UMass Boston tuition and fees are paid, will be applied to the residence halls housing cost for any resident who has opted in to have excess aid sent to Housing.
Confirmed residential students are sent instructions on how to opt in to have excess aid transfer to Housing. There is an "opt in" option in their WISER account (the student MUST do this on their own). Once opted in, a note will be added to the student's Housing account. This will notify the Housing office that excess aid is expected. Because of this, the first payment does not need to be paid by the due date.
Excess Aid will be applied in batches throughout each semester depending on when the aid is released to the school. This will not start until after the end of the add/drop period.
Any portion of the residence halls housing cost that is not paid by financial aid will be an out-of-pocket expense for the student. The full balance for each semester must be paid in full by November 15th for the fall semester and April 15th for the spring semester.
How do I submit payments for housing?
Housing payments are made through the Resident Portal. Directions to register and how to submit payments can be found on our Housing Payment Information website. You can also send a check or money order (payable to PCER) to the following mailing address:
Office of Housing and Residential Life
240 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
What health requirements are in place for residential students?
All residential students must comply with the state of Massachusetts and University immunization requirements. Access to the residence halls will be delayed if you have not complied with all immunization requirements.
All health documents should be submitted to University Health Services. Questions regarding health requirements should be sent directly to University health Services via email.
How can I submit a disability accommodation request for housing?
Students who would like to submit a disability accommodation request for housing should refer to the Policies and Forms page. If you have questions that are not answered here, please reach out to us via email at housing@jishuoba.com.
When will I receive my room assignment?
Room assignments will be finalized over the summer. Once assignments are finalized, information regarding your assignment and how to register for the Resident Portal will be sent to your UMass Boston email.
Are there bunk beds in the rooms?
Many of our Triple and Quad rooms may have beds that are bunked. Historically, students prefer this set-up as it maximizes floor space in the room. Work orders can be submitted to have the beds de-bunked once you have discussed the set up of the room with your roommate. Please note, by de-bunking the beds it may limit the floor space in the room.
What is the difference between the room types with Private Bath and Community Bath?
Spaces listed as private bathrooms (ex. Double w/private, triple w/private, quad w/private), have a bathroom located in the room that is shared by the students living in the space. The students are expected to maintain cleanliness of their private bathrooms. Shower curtains and toilet paper are not provided.
Spaces listed as community bathrooms (ex. Double w/community & Triple w/community) are spaces without the bathroom in the room, but instead the bathrooms are located on the hallway and shared with other students on the floor. These bathrooms are completely private apart from the sink area. Each floor has multiple sections of community bathrooms which also include ADA accessible restrooms. Community bathrooms are cleaned daily by staff and all toilet paper, shower curtains, and soap are provided. If you would like to see what our community bathrooms look like, please check out our Residence Hall Community Bathroom Tour video.
If my room does not have a private bathroom, am I responsible for cleaning and supplying toilet paper in the community bathroom?
Students who do not have a bathroom within their room do not need to supply their own toilet paper or clean the community bathrooms. Community bathrooms are cleaned daily by our cleaning staff. If you would like to see what our community bathrooms look like, please check out our Residence Hall Community Bathroom Tour video.
Is a mini-fridge and microwave required?
It is strongly recommended that each room has a mini-fridge and microwave. Be sure to coordinate with your roommate to determine who will bring the mini-fridge and microwave. MicroFridge is an official partner of the Office of Housing and Residential Life (OHRL) and offers both rental and purchase options. Rent or purchase one by entering University of Massachusetts Boston in the search field on their website. Double Occupancy rooms are limited to 1 mini-fridge; Triple and Quad rooms are limited to a total of 2 mini-fridges.
Is there a list of what items I should bring with me?
For a list of items to bring and what will be provided, please visit our What To Bring page. You can also find size limitations for mini-fridges and microwaves on this page.
Does the University provide renter's insurance?
No, UMass Boston does not provide renters insurance. It is strongly suggested that all residents have their own renter's insurance policy or see if you may be covered under your parent/guardian/guarantor's home owner's agreement.
Are single-serve coffee makers, such as a Keurig, allowed?
Yes! Single-serve coffee makers with automatic shut off will be allowed. Drip coffee pots are not permitted, however.
What size are the beds?
All of our beds are XL Twin (36" x 80"). You can also find additional measurements of items in the room on our Room Furniture Details page.
Can I bring my own furniture?
Due to fire safety concerns, students are not permitted to bring any wooden and/or upholstered furniture. This includes Gaming Chairs. Plastic and or metal storage items are permitted.
Can I bring a bike, hoverboard or electronic scooter?
Students are welcome to bring a bike, hoverboard or electronic scooter to campus, however they cannot be stored in the Residence Halls. They do need to be locked to a bike rack either outside the Residence Halls or in the West Garage. Students must provide their own lock.
Can I bring curtains and/or tapestries to hang in my room?/ Can I decorate the walls in my room?
Because all windows are outfitted with blinds, curtains should not be needed. You are able to bring posters, tapestries, and items for your walls, however we do ask that you not cover more than 25% of your wall with items. Nothing is allowed on or hanging from the ceiling, sprinkler heads or smoke detectors.
When hanging items, please note that students should not use nails, staples or adhesives (including but not limited to command strips, tape, poster glue etc.). Thumbtacks are the only approved way to hang items in your residence hall room.
Are there washers and dryers in the buildings?
There is a laundry room on the ground floor of each building that is open to all residents. The cost is $2.00 to wash and $2.00 to dry. Machines operate on an app which you can download once you move in. Instructions are in the laundry room and on each machine. Residents must provide their own detergent.
The laundry rooms do not close and can be accessed by residents at any time.
Does an East laundry machine have an issue? Submit a report directly to Automatic Laundry.
Does an West laundry machine have an issue? Submit a report directly to Automatic Laundry.
Is there a residential kitchen available?
While our residence halls do not have kitchens in the rooms, there is a small kitchenette in the West building (microwave, full sized refrigerator, and convection oven) that all residents are able to use. Residents are required to have a meal plan, which is why a full kitchen is not available. Residents can also bring specific items to have in their room and you can find those on the What to Bring page.
Are we allowed to have pets?
With the exception of service animals and approved Emotional Support Animals (ESAs), the only pets allowed in the Residence Halls are fish. There is a limit on the size of the fish tank – it cannot be more than 5 gallons.
Am I able to receive letters and packages while living in the building?
Yes, residents are able to receive letters and packages while living in the building. Each student will receive a mailbox key with their room key. The mailboxes are located on the ground floor of the East Building and are the same number as your room. Any letters will be placed in the mailbox for you. For packages, we use a Parcel Pending system in the building that you will be able to register for once you have moved in. This system uses lockers, also located on the ground floor of the East Building. When a package arrives for you, it is placed in a locker, and you will receive an email with the code to open the locker.
Your mailing address should be listed as follows:
Your Full Legal Name
Your Room number
240 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125-3450
If you are ordering items from Amazon, they may require the street address of:
240 William T. Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125-3450
Is a meal plan required?
Yes, a meal plan is required for all residents living in the building. The meal plan cost will included on your University billing with your tuition and any fees.
Information about your meal plan (and options for commuter meal plans) can be found on the UMass Boston Meal Plans Website. For questions regarding the Meal Plan, please email the Meal Plan Office.
Be sure to check your UMass Boston email for additional dining information this summer and throughout the year!
Will I be able to bring my car to campus while living in the Residence Halls?
Parking will be available on campus for residents. More information regarding parking on campus can be found on the Transportation Services webpage. You may also email Transportation Services directly with your questions.
What is a Resident Assistant (RA)?
RAs are student leaders who live in the residence halls. They plan and facilitate community programs and enforce policies and procedures within the residence halls. RAs support their residents with any academic or personal challenges they face while living in the residence halls. If you are facing challenge and looking for support, your RA is a great person to talk to!
They are members of the Office of Housing and Residential Life and report to Community Directors (CDs).
What is a Community Director (CD)?
CDs are full-time, live-in professional staff members employed by the University. CDs supervise a staff of RAs, meet with residents to check in and offer support, meet with residents regarding possible policy violations and attend social programs in the residence halls. If you are facing a challenge, you can also reach out to a CD. The best way to get in touch with your CD is by email. You can find their email address on the OHRL Contact Website.
RAs, CDs and all of our HRL staff are here to help and support you. We want you to enjoy living in the residence halls! If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk with your RA, email the Office of Housing and Residential Life or contact your CD directly.
I am no longer interested in living on campus, how do I request to cancel my housing agreement? Is the Housing Reservation Fee refundable?
For the 2024-2025 academic year, prior to June 1st, you should email both the Undergraduate Admissions Office and the Office of Housing and Residential Life to notify us that you are no longer interested in living on campus. The Housing Reservation Fee is fully refundable prior to June 1st.
After June 1st, the Housing Reservation Fee is non-refundable and you would need to submit a Housing Cancellation Request form. Please email the Office of Housing and Residential Life to request this form after June 1st.
Can I alter the existing items in the room?
No alterations are permitted to the physical structure of the rooms, including plumbing, windows, walls, and existing furniture.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
You can email the Office of Housing and Residential Life with any additional questions you may have or reach us by phone at 617.287.6011.
Contact On-Campus Housing
Office of Housing and Residential Life
Residence Hall East, 1st Floor
240 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm